The Limited Love.

He enters the fancy, well-structured, square large cabin. She sits right in front of the door, up straight, on the big brown leather chair, with right leg crossed on the other one and full confidence in her eyes. “Come, sit down Mr…?” As he sits down, she removes a paper with all the rules andContinueContinue reading “The Limited Love.”

Home and the World

(Title inspired by Rabindranath Tagore’s novel) “Home is where your heart is” But, she has lost her heart already, or probably, she hasn’t found it ever. So… what about the home? She is back from the typical ‘So much needed break’. Every time she leaves the city, she leaves an integral part of herself behind.ContinueContinue reading “Home and the World”

The transformation from Bournvita to Coffee.

Remember how in childhood you use to like/drink milk so much, especially with added chocolate powder to it, and gradually you move to tea/coffee/nothing? Why? Is it because your mother stopped giving you a glass of milk every morning? Or is it that you don’t need all the calcium and protein that chocolate powder contains,ContinueContinue reading “The transformation from Bournvita to Coffee.”